Tempe Gurat #71. Somnath Temple is one of the very ancient temples of India located in Gujarat and stands as a famous landmark in the Indian history. Ambaji mata temple is a major Shakti Peeth of India.. The temple administration and management are shouldered by the Dwarkadheesh Temple Trust and Devsthan Samiti the workings of which are again supervised by the Gujarat.
It is the most famous temple of Gujarat located on the coast of Arabian Sea in Junagarh district of the state.
Gujarat is famous for its temples and architectural expertise.
Some of the famous temples in gujarat are akshar dham temple, dwarkadish mandir, amba mata temple.
Anda Bisa punya Tempe Gurat #71 menggunakan 7 bahan dan 4 Langkah. Inilah cara Anda memasak itu.
Bahan-Bahan dari Tempe Gurat #71
- Anda Perlu 1 papan dari tempe (400 g).
- Persiapkan 2 siung dari bawang putih.
- Persiapkan 1 sdt dari ketumbar.
- Anda Perlu 1 sdt dari kunyit bubuk.
- Anda Perlu 1 sdt dari garam.
- Persiapkan 3/4 gelas dari air untuk melarutkan bumbu.
- ini Secukupnya dari minyak utk menggoreng.
Gujarat temples exhibit a rich architecture, fine carvings and elegant statues that depict the historic value from the bygone eras. Apart from being religious centres, these. The complex of this temple is the largest in Gujarat. It is built in the Chalukya style of temple architecture and reflects the skill of the Sompuras, Gujarat's master masons.
Tempe Gurat #71 instruksi
- Siapkan bahan-bahannya.. Bawang putih dihaluskan/diparut.
- Tempe digurat-gurat seluruh badannya dg pisau.. Bikin motif garis sesuai selera.. Lalu potong jd 4, tiap potongan dibelah lagi jd 3.. potongan yg blum ada guratnya, dibuatin motif guratan lagi.
- Bumbu2 yg disiapkan dikasih air, aduk rata.. Masukkan dan rendam tempe kedlmnya selama 5 menitan, klo ga muat gantian rendamnya.
- Panaskan minyak.. Goreng tempe hingga kuning keemasan.. Siap disajikan.
The temples of Gujarat are not just places of worship but are architectural marvels, which are a representation of the grandeur of the state in the past times. Visiting the marvellous Modhera Sun Temple of Mehsana, Gujarat, is sure to leave your heart with a duality of thoughts. It's a mixed feeling of both surprise and anguish. The exclusively carved Sun temple complex and the magnificently sculpted kund are jewels in the art of masonry of Modhera Sun Temple. Somnath located near Veraval , Gujarat is considered first and foremost of all Jyotirlings.